Say Yes Media Publications

Say Yes Media Publications

Corporation Associates publishes articles for the world.

New Media Marketing

Our articles are discussed on Blog Posts, Social Media, News Articles, and Slideshares. All of the attention drives visitors to the articles tha you sponsor driving traffic to your landing page. We permit only one sponsor for each article.

Article Partnerships

Let's discuss your product line and find an appropriate subject to write about. We crete the article and publish it in our magazine. You sponsor the article taking advantage of additional exposure.

Custom Content With Links

We are alaways looking for ideas to include in our pubications. If you have a product or service that ties in with an interesting topic let us know. We can create an article to publish with your business as a sponsor.

New Media Has A Place For Your Business

Story Board

Story Board

It all starts with a topic. From there we storyboard ideas to develop information to communicate.

write with purpose

Write With Purpose

Our writers map the flow of information to communicate, with that, we include all points in the article.

Increase In Sales

New Customers

Once the article is published, your linked landing page will start to recieve visitors from our magazine.

Learn More

The Corporation Associates Guide to New Media Inbound Marketing

Discover a great method for generating new sales with little investment.

Find a local Associate to help you

To get started call Corporation Associates Say Yes Media toll-free at
(833) 937-6334.

For information about Corporation Associates call our corporate office toll-free at
(844) 262-7762.

Find a local Corporation Associates office

Corporation Associates operates offices throughout the United States. You can locate an office by clicking here.